七十所内地高等院校五月六日起接受网上预先报名 ********************** 教育局今日(五月二日)提醒有兴趣报名参加内地部分高校免试招收香港学生计划(计划)的同学,须于下星期一(五月六日)起进行网上预先报名。 根据国家教育部公布有关二○一三年计划的具体安排,七十所内地高等院校将对香港学生豁免联招考试,并依据香港中学文凭考试(文凭试)或高级程度会考成绩,择优录取香港学生。 教育局发言人表示,二○一三年香港中学文凭考试或香港高级程度会考应届考生,均可报名参加。 他说:「与去年的安排相若,报名方式将采取网上预先报名及现场确认的形式进行。国家教育部已委托中华人民共和国普通高等学校联合招收华侨、港澳地区及台湾省学生办公室(联招办)负责网上报名及录取审核工作,并委托中国教育留学交流(香港)中心承办现场报名确认、报名资格审核及招生宣传等工作。」 考生须于五月六日至六月六日期间登入联招办的免试招生报名网址(www.ecogd.edu.cn)在「联合招生」选项栏选择「香港免试生报名」一项,进行网上预先报名。已预先报名的考生须于六月七日至六月三十日期间(星期日及公众假期除外),亲临以下地点进行现场确认: 1. 中国教育留学交流(香港)中心办事处 (香港上环德辅道中272-284号兴业商业中心23楼2305室,查询电话:2542 4811) 2. 内地高等院校免试招收香港学生计划现场确认中心 (九龙九龙塘沙福道19号教育局九龙塘教育服务中心西座4楼W420室,查询电话:3698 4468) 考生在进行现场确认时,须带备以下的报名资料: 1. 考生本人之香港身份证和《港澳居民来往内地通行证》及影印本; 2. 网上预先报名时已填妥之报名表打印本; 3. 考生之数码相片档案(格式:JPG;大小:168*240像素;10K以内);及 4. 相关身分及学习证明文件(获奖证明、推荐书等)之正本及影印本。 考生亦须于进行现场确认时,以现金缴付港币420元的报名费用。 所有免试招生计划的申请人必须完成现场确认程序才可进入录取阶段。如考生未能在已预约的时间及地点进行现场确认,他们须再次登入免试招生报名网址(www.ecogd.edu.cn),重新预约现场确认的时间及地点。 考生于完成网上预先报名后,须根据网上系统的指示,在预约的时间及地点亲临进行现场确认。 根据二○一三年招生程序,各院校可根据考生报考资料安排面试,八月上旬进入录取阶段。各院校将于八月上旬公布录取名单,并将于八月九日至十日根据招生情况进行补录。 二○一三年计划将实施数项改善措施,包括录取模式由「平行志愿」改为「顺序志愿」(即考生的档案将按照考生志愿顺序投至其所报读的学校)、取消预先录取的安排、以及在[ 3、3、2、2 ]的一般性院校最低录取要求外,加入报考艺术、体育类科目的院校最低录取要求 [ 2、2、1、1 ](即考生于文凭试的中国语文科、英国语文科达到第2级,数学科、通识教育科达到第1级)等。教育局和学友社联合编制《内地高校免试招收香港学生指南》,提供有关计划及内地升学的全面信息,包括载列所有参加计划院校的数据、学科选择、选科策略,以及毕业生分享等。该份指南的电子版及有关计划的详情,请浏览教育局网页(www.edb.gov.hk/expo12)。 完 2013年5月2日(星期四) 香港时间11时15分 Online enrolment for 70 Mainland institutions to begin on May 6 ********************************************************** The Education Bureau (EDB) today (May 2) reminded students who have plans to enrol in the Scheme for Admission of Hong Kong Students to Mainland Higher Education Institutions that they should file their online applications starting next Monday (May 6). According to the detailed arrangements for the Scheme in 2013 announced by the Ministry of Education, 70 Mainland higher education institutions will consider the admission of Hong Kong students based on their results in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE), thus exempting them from taking the Joint Entrance Examination for Universities in the Mainland. An EDB spokesman said candidates sitting for the HKDSE Examination and the HKALE in 2013 are eligible for enrolment in the Scheme. "Similar to last year's arrangements, the enrolment process will consist of both online application and subsequent on-site confirmation of application. The Ministry of Education has commissioned the Co-Office of the Mainland Chinese Universities and Colleges of P.R. China for the Joint Examinations and Enrolment of the Students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese-Resident Areas and Countries (Joint Enrolment Office) to handle online application and admissions screening. It has also commissioned the China Education Exchange (HK) Centre for on-site confirmation of applications, eligibility vetting and admissions publicity," the spokesman said. Students should file their online applications from May 6 to June 6 at the website of the Joint Enrolment Office (www.ecogd.edu.cn) by clicking on "Hong Kong Students Application" under the menu of "Joint Admission". Students who have completed online application should attend on-site confirmation in person from June 7 to June 30 (excluding Sundays and Public Holidays) at the following addresses: 1. Office of the China Education Exchange (HK) Centre (2305, 23/F, Hing Yip Commercial Centre, 272-284 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. Enquiry hotline: 2542 4811) 2. Centre for on-site confirmation for the Scheme (Room W420, 4/F, West Block, Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, Education Bureau, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon. Enquiry hotline: 3698 4468) Candidates should bring the following documents in order to complete on-site confirmation: (a) Hong Kong identity card and the Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents and their copies; (b) A printed copy of the completed online enrolment form; (c) his/her digital photo (format: JPG; size: 168 x 240 pixels, within 10 KB); (d) originals and copies of academic qualifications and other relevant materials (certificates of award, reference letters, etc) Candidates should also pay an enrolment fee of $420 in cash during on-site confirmation. All applicants enrolling in the Scheme should complete the on-site confirmation process before entering the admission stage. They should, after completing online application, attend on-site confirmation in person at the time and place confirmed by the online application system. In case applicants cannot attend on-site confirmation at the time and place previously confirmed by the online application system, they should log in to the online application website (www.ecogd.edu.cn) again and reserve another time and place for on-site confirmation. According to the admission procedure for 2013, institutions may arrange interviews based on the application information submitted by candidates. The formal admission stage will start in early August. Institutions will announce admission results in early August, and will conduct supplementary enrolment from August 9 to 10 according to the enrolment situation. A number of enhancement measures have been implemented for the Scheme in 2013, including switching from the enrolment mechanism of "parallel choices" to "priority choices" (i.e. the application of a candidate will be forwarded to the chosen Mainland institutions one after another in accordance with the student's priority of choice), abolishing the arrangement of conditional offers, introducing the minimum general entrance requirement of "2,2,1,1" (i.e. attaining Level 2 in Chinese Language and English Language and Level 1 in Mathematics and Liberal Studies) for candidates applying for arts and sports programmes in addition to the "3,3,2,2" minimum requirement for general admission, etc. The EDB and Hok Yau Club have jointly compiled a Chinese handbook on the Scheme, which provides comprehensive information on the Scheme and further study in the Mainland, including information on all the institutions participating in the scheme, the programmes offered, strategy on programme choices, and sharing by graduates of Mainland universities. The e-version of the handbook and details of the Scheme have been posted on the website of the EDB (www.edb.gov.hk/expo12). Ends/Thursday, May 2, 2013 Issued at HKT 11:22 |